Optimal Controller Gain for the Control Based Continuation of a Duffing oscillator
Gleb Kleyman  1, *@  , Sebastian Tatzko  2@  , Jörg Wallaschek  3@  
1 : Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research  (IDS)  -  Website
An der Universität 1 30823 Garbsen -  Germany
2 : Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research  (IDS)
An der Universität 1 30823 Garbsen -  Germany
3 : Institute of Dynamics and Vibration Research  (IDS)
An der Universität 1 30823 Garbsen -  Germany
* : Corresponding author

In the context of control based continuation for the experimental identification of nonlinear dynamic systems a PD- controller is usually exploited to stabilize the unstable branches of so called S-curves. The literature often refers to a simple trial- and-error method in order to determine the controller gains. In this paper the optimal controller gains for a Duffing-oscillator are determined analytically by applying the Harmonic Balance Method (HBM) to obtain a nonlinear algebraic approximation. However, the generalized methodology can be easily extended to any kind of nonlinear dynamic system.

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