Stability of Nonlinear Normal Modes under Stochastic Excitation
Yuri Mikhlin  1@  , Gayane Rudnyeva  1@  
1 : National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute  (NTU “KhPI”)  -  Website
NTU “KhPI” 2, Kyrpychova str., 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine -  Ukraine

Two-DOF nonlinear system under white noise excitation is considered. It is assumed that the system allows from two up to four nonlinear normal modes (NNMs) with rectilinear trajectories in the system configuration space. Influence of the random excitation to the NNMs stability is analyzed by using the analytical-numerical test, which is an implication of the well-known Lyapunov stability criterion. Boundary of the stability/ instability regions is obtained in place of two parameters, namely, a connection between partial oscillators, and the excitation intensity. Stability of the NNMs under deterministic chaos excitation is also considered.

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