Online Control-Based Continuation of Nonlinear Structures Using Adaptive Filtering
Gaëtan Abeloos  1@  , Ludovic Renson  2@  , Christophe Collette  3, 1@  , Gaëtan Kerschen  1@  
1 : Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department [Liège]  (LTAS)  -  Website
1, Chemin des Chevreuils Sart Tilman 4000 Liège -  Belgium
2 : Department of Mechanical Engineering [Imperial College London]  -  Website
Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ -  United Kingdom
3 : Department of Bio, Electro And Mechanical Systems  (BEAMS)  -  Website
Avenue F. D. Roosevelt, 50, B-1050 - Bruxelles -  Belgium

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