Nonlinear kinematics of a moored axisymmetric wave energy converter
Giuseppe Giorgi  1@  , Josh Davidson  2@  , Giuseppe Habib  3@  , Giovanni Bracco  1@  , Giuliana Mattiazzo  1@  , Tamás Kalmár-Nagy  2@  
1 : Politecnico di Torino [Torino]  (Polito)  -  Website
Politecnico di Torino - Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 10129 Torino -  Italy
2 : Department of Fluid Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Bertalan Lajos 4-6, Budapest 1111 -  Hungary
3 : MTA-BME Lendület Machine Tool Research Group, Department of Applied Mechanics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics  (MTA-BME LMTRG)  -  Website
Budapest, Muegyetem rkp. 3. -  Hungary

Mathematical models for wave energy converters (WECs) are naturally germinated from the models in classical offshore engineering applications, where the assumption of linear kinematics and dynamics is commonplace. However, while the assumption of linear, small amplitude, motion fits traditional offshore problems (it is desirable to stabilize ships, boats and offshore platforms), it is not representative of the expected (and desired) motions of a WEC, since the main objective is to enhance the response and maximize power extraction. The inadequacy of linear models for many wave energy applications has led to an increasing number of publications and codes implementing nonlinear hydrodynamics. However, nonlinear kinematics has received little attention, since few models yet consider six degrees of freedom (DoFs) and large rotations. This paper implements a nonlinear kinematic model for one of the most well established WEC concepts: an axisymmetric heaving point absorber with single taut line mooring. The influence of the nonlinear kinematics are demonstrated and potential sources of numerical instability in yaw are discussed. Finally, the model is also used to articulate parametric resonance in roll/pitch.

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