On the Escape of a Resonantly Excited Couple of Colliding Particles from a Potential Well under Bi-harmonic Excitation
Attila Genda  1, *@  , Alexander Fidlin  2, *@  , Oleg Gendelman  3, *@  
1 : Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  (KIT)
Kaiserstraße 10, 76131, Karlsruhe -  Germany
2 : Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  (KIT)
Kaiserstr. 10, 76131 Karlsruhe -  Germany
3 : Department of Mechanical Engineering [Haifa]  -  Website
Technion - Institute of Technology Haifa 32000 Israel -  Israel
* : Corresponding author

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