Analysis of a Singularly Perturbed Continuous Piecewise Linear System
A. Yassine Karoui  1@  , Remco Leine  2@  
1 : Institute for Nonlinear Mechanics, University of Stuttgart  (INM)  -  Website
Pfaffenwaldring 9 70569 Stuttgart -  Germany
2 : Institute for Nonlinear Mechanics, University of Stuttgart  (INM)  -  Website
Pfaffenwaldring 9 70569 Stuttgart -  Germany

The dynamics of piecewise linear systems can often be reduced to lower dimensional invariant cones using an appropriate Poincaré map. These invariant cones can be understood as a generalization of the center manifold concept to nonsmooth systems. In this paper, we show that the singular perturbation technique applied to a slow-fast continuous piecewise linear system can deliver a good approximation of the invariant cone. The proposed approximation approach is demonstrated on an oscillator with a unilateral spring as an example of a continuous piecewise linear system in R^3.

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